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Tuxedo Charlies Page: a cats life

The Compass Spa

Summertime 2019:

Spooner: Well it is getting kinda warm out and my winter coat is moving from body to bed… I also have that cool “blonde” stripe appearing on my back. Guess that helps keep me cooler when the sun hits. I still love my morning walks, but I stop to sniff everything I can, just to get an extra moment in the shade. Me and Dad hang out most of the day in the house, but the sun sure does feel good in the afternoon. My paw-mom says that soon they will be doing dog massage at her work. I cant wait to visit her there. She gives me a massage almost every night, but it will be fun to meet some other dogs and I know they will love the paw-spa treatments just like I do. HaHa and it is for dogs only so that pestering cat, Charlie cant come. HaHa

Summertime 2018 Update

Spooner: I hope all of my canine cousins have been having a fun summer. I have been going for my usual morning walks (sometimes getting rained on) and we have had some company too… a neighbor decided to walk with us the whole way the other day, it was nice to have the extra attention from him. We also had company at home a few times. It seems that this little dog likes to come and stay with us for a few days lately. Her name is Chiquita Banana (Chica) she is really small and really does not do much, but sit on the couch all day and steal attention from my humans, I guess she is ok. I really just like it best when it is me and my mom and dad hanging out. Charlie is ok too, most of the time.

I have a questions to the other dogs reading this… what do you think about these really loud storms that happen late in the day? I do not like them at all. They scare me and I cannot go outside and lay in the front yard and watch the sun set. One of the pugs that lives next door (Lulu) does not like them either. She wears a funny little jacket when they happen. I don’t know why, but she says it makes her feel safe. I just stay right by mu mom or dads side to feel safe. I know they will not let anything bad happen to me. My mom also sprays this stuff on me and it makes me feel better. I do not know what it is, but it smells really good. (KK: Our Canine synergy essential oil blend in Aromaaa Mist)

Charlie: I have no time or concern with that Chica or the rain storms. I just want my belly rubbed, head scratched and my dinner on time.

Cool Stuff For Pets : Holistic Food, Natural Remedies, Training Tips Coming soon

Check out our Feel Good Fido Doggie Massage Day at The Compass Spa


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